Bhakti-yoga retreat 2017 (Grünau)

Bhakti-yoga retreat 2017 (Grünau)

...organised by
  • Bhagavad Gita Seminar -
  • Gaudiya Nederland -



1. Introduction (Vijay /

Practise of bhakti-yoga starts with vaidhi-bhakti (rules & regulations), which is
  • taught at "school"
  • becoming habits (not for the body, but for the soul)
  • motivated by sangha (other participants) REBOOT THE MIND.
...with only one precondition: eagerness to learn!
The topic of this retreat is: “what is the mood of a Vaishnava (I.e. someone devoted to Vishnu / KRSNa) ?”, because:
  • In general, people are regretful about their past and worried about their future.
  • Instead, they should be aware that TO LIVE IN THE MOMENT is a gift.
  • Such a Vaishnava has no enemies, sees no faults, sees only opportunities (in others).

2. LUNAR ECLIPSE (Siddhanti Maharaj)

Any lunar eclipse (like the one of today) contaminates the whole environment. During such eclipse, eating / drinking / sleeping / sex are prohibited.
Relevance or devotees:
  • much higher benefit of hearing (reading SB) and chanting (singing)... knowing that there are 2 prime limbs of the body for perfection in spiritual life: ears (hearing) & tongue (speaking).
  • perfection of tantra & mantra
  • all temples are closed.
After such eclipse, one needs to
  • take a shower (to get purified of all contamination)
  • change clothes
  • eat something
  • give charity
  • clean temple & kitchen
All the above rules are
  • NOT "siddha-bhakti",
  • but "san (ie. supportive to)-sidha-bhakti", meaning "rules, though one is not bound to follow these" (i.e. recommendations).
This retreat is like an air flight: you (as passenger) must trust & follow the pilot & crew, in order to reach your destination in life.

3. BALARAMA / BALADEVA PURNIMA (Siddhanti Maharaj)

One cannot reach perfection in spiritual life, without the mercy of Balarama prabhu.
Meaning of “Balarama” / etymology:
  • Bala = power / strength (coming from KRSNa - seva! ) ;
  • Deva = diety.
I.e. Balarama is all what we see
  • around us, i.e. the environment
  • within ourselves (however, we are not Balarama!)
...because the origin of all that is, is Balarama.
Rather than just being “descendants of monkeys" (Darwin), we are “descendants of Manu” ("Manu-she" ?)... starting from Karunadakasayi-Viṣṇu (who is an expansion of Balarama).
KRSNa (with dark-blue/shyam complexion) has the desire for creation (i.e. expansion from 1 to many). Because of this desire, he expanded first into Balarama (with white complexion).
Interestingly, everything KRSNa can do (e.g. killing demons), Balarama can do also: both are same, except for their complexion.
I.e. Balarama can become
  • any paraphernalia of KRSNa (his cloth, shoe, umbrella) ;
  • everything that surrounds KRSNa... incl . fufilling KRSNa's desire of creation, by expanding himself in 3 Vishnu's:
1. Karunadakasayi-Viṣṇu
2. Garbhodakśayī-Viṣṇu
3. Kṣīrodakaśāyī-Viṣṇu
4. Holding all universes, in his form as "sesa" (snake)
Corresponding with
  1. Strength of gross body comes from...
  2. subtle body, whose strenght comes from...
  3. Soul
Advance remark: any "description" consists of ‘tattva’ (appearance/outline) + ‘pastimes’ (nature).
Balarama, who manifested only x days earlier than KRSNa, has as pastimes: "assisting KRSNa in his playfull friends play".
EXAMPLE: donkey demon
  • Balarama trowed the donkey demon in tree (within "tar" forest").
  • We also possess a donkey-like mentality.
  • So one particular manifestation of Balarama (i.e. the spiritual master) comes to kill (through his powerful speech) our donkey-like mentality.
  • A donkey is carrying, on his back, all food ingredients ... but gets no chance to taste/enjoy them. Real enjoyment is always INCREASING, meaning: "tasting good at àll times ; insatiable i.e. without saturation point" (where "saturation point" implies: when increasing further, the enjoyment becomes a cause of suffering) ...while material enjoyment is DECLINING.
  • increasing - declining
  • transforming - informing
  • quality - quantity
I.e. bhakti-yoga is a journey
  • from "hopeless ends" (material life, not satisfying)
  • to "endless hopes" (spiritual life, also "not satifsying", in the sense of: never bored, still wanting more, enjoyment in service)


AM LECTURE (Siddhanti Maharaj)

5545 years ago, KRSNa spoke Bhagavad-Gita, as a chariot driver... which he taught afterwards as instructions. But he did not show how to execute those instructions.
To show how to follow the culture of KRSNa, 549 years ago KRSNa re-appeared as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
  • KRSNa is Bhagawan (implying: he can make the impossible possible)
  • ...while Chaitanya plays the role of a simple devotee (so that the whole world would follow his example), i.e. enacting a different role and speaking different things.
The Goal-Of-Live is to attain attachment/devotion to God, which is possible only for devotees. To understand the nature of such devotee, one should read his pastimes !
So the instructions of KRSNa are spread further on via below PARAMPARA:
He obtained KRNSa’s instructions
  • not from his own mind (because mind is not an authentic source to obtain such knowledge !),
  • but from his guru Jagannatha Dasa Babaji
He showed his true form once... when appearing, late at night, cooking in the kitchen for KRSNa, as a young girl !
He became actual founder of the Gaudiya Matha.
He was showing, as
  • a gRhasta with 10 sons (of which the youngest, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, started the world-wide preaching)
  • and a fearless employee at the juridicial court
which path is the safest path to devotion towards KRSNa his preaching, his songs and his potency.
Most important are his books (which are showing his complete knowledge), like “Jaiva-dharma” (1893), which (in the form of a novel) gives the answer to all questions. E.g. how MangalArati is either a morning raga (in the mood of separation) or a evening raga (in the mood of joy). I.e. maturity in bhakti-yoga comes from experiencing the purity of Bhaktivinoda Thakura via his books.
He was born in Jagannath Puri, close (5 minutes walk) to the main temple.
He was experiencing the fearless chanting of his father.
Corresponding Prayers
Pranam Mantra Prayer to Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura (and other acharya's in same line)
namo bhaktivinodāya
rūpānuga-varāya te
I offer praṇāma to you, Śrīla Saccidānanda Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura,
the foremost of rūpānugas
and the personal manifestation of Śrī Gaurāṅga’s śakti [Gadādhara Paṇḍita].
Prayer to Vaishnava's
vāñchā-kalpa-tarubhyaś ca
kṛpā-sindhubhya eva ca
patitānāṁ pāvanebhyo
vaiṣṇavebhyo namo namaḥ
I offer praṇāma again and again to the Vaiṣṇavas,
who are the saviors of the fallen,
who are just like wish-fulfilling desire-trees,
and who are oceans of mercy.
  • BODY flat on the ground ;
  • MIND (as "subtle body") absorbed to either the lotus feet of RadhaKRSNa or the complete image of the guru ;
  • SPEECH (i.e. praying particular pranam mantra)
Prayer to guru
(oṁ) ajñāna-timirāndhasya
caksur unmīlitaṁ yena
tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ
I am blinded by the darkness of ignorance,
but śrī guru has mercifully opened my eyes,
anointing them with the salve of divine knowledge.
I offer praṇāma to that śrī gurudeva.
  • name guru _with_ the title: "Srila..."
  • Bhakti-Yoga consists of both "Philosophy" (if missing, this would lead to fanatism) & "Vaishnava etiquette" (if missing, we'd be sure to make mistakes & offences).
Some "Vaishnava etiquette" EXAMPLES:
  • don't give pranam to guru or others, in front of the dieties
  • don't use your left hand in eating / worship / chanting / ... I.e. keep your left hand pure, as a tool for other activities (e.g. getting dressed).
Again: all above "Vaishnava etiquette" rules àre not bhakti, but they are supportive-to-bhakti.
In bhakti, everything depends on consciousness. Our mood swings are caused by the three modes of material nature (ignorance / passion / goodness)... while bhakti is only possible in mode of goodness.

PM LECTURE (Siddhanti Maharaj)

Vaishnava etiquette is essential for reaching suddha-bhakti/uttama-bhakti explained by Srila Rupa Goswami, in his "Bhakti-Rasamrita-Sindhu" (giving the 64 limbs of bhakti)
There are TWO PATHS OF BHAKTI... and each path has its own destination (i.e. the destination is NOT the same for all paths):
  • Abode of Ram: Sāketa-Loka
  • Abode of Narayan: Vaikuntha
  • Abode of KRSNa: Goloka-Vrndavan
Developed out of fear(*), or injunctions, from the sastra's... (*) ref. Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3, which details what happens, after dead, to meat-eaters, drunkards, other sinners.
Any sinner is lost in _this_ universe:
  • when soul leaves the body from _above_ the navel (i.e. ear, nose, mouth), it enters a higher universe ;
  • when soul leaves from _below_ the navel, it goes to lower planets ;
A soul that is performing vaidhi-bhakti nicely, develops a second, spiritual, body, and reaches Vaikuntha ...but this is NOT our (i.e. Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya) line !
Vaidhi-bhakti implies "I HAVE to do this"... with as destination: VAI(without)-KUNTHA(envy / hostile mood / old age / disease), the abode of lord Narayana, where he is being served very opulently.
RAGA(attachment)NUGA(following)-BHAKTI: spontaneously developed, out of association / love / greed to see KRSNa ; i.e. no fear of injunctions or sastra's.
Raganuga implies "He's superior to me", out of regard & love.
  • cobbler Raskhan, who was both a Muslim and a follower(bhakt) of Lord Krishna ; and wrote many bhajans
  • Chaitanya’s meeting with a south-Indian brahmin, who was reading Bhagavad-Gita upside-down, crying tears of restlessness to be with KRSNa (i.e. externally seperation, internally union).
Every pastime of KRSNa is centered around his devotees: i.e. his family members & his associates... who are all Ragatmik Bhaktas, with only one consideration: "in love with KRSNa" without any consideration (i.e. with spontaneous causeless love, inherent in them):
  • PARENTS of KRSNa (Nanda Baba & YaSoda), seeing KRSNa not as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but as their son.
  • FRIENDS of KRSNa (the twelve most important cowherd boys are Sridama, Sudama, Vasudama, Subala, Mahabala, Subahu, Mahabahu, Stokakrsna, Dama, Arjuna, Lavanga, and Kusumasava), seeing KRSNa not a Bhagavan, but just as their play-friend
  • GOPI's (Radharani, Lalitha, Visaka, ...)
WHERE? in Goloka-Vrndavana.
WHY does KRSNa come to planet earth? Simply to enjoy vacation, with his Ragatmik Bhaktas (i.e. own family members etc.). From this “hill station holiday”, KRSNa and his Ragatmik Bhaktas get enjoyment, while we (people on earth) get "business", i.e. DEVOTION as Raganuga-bhakti.
Via inspiring EXAMPLES - like Hanuman (ref. Ramayana) and Gopi's (ref. Srimad Bhagavatam) - our greed develops: "can I also become like them?", just like we react to exciting movie (in which we put ourselves in the mood of movie-hero).
So "Raganuga-bhakti" means that your greed develops when seeing other's service to KRSNa.
And HOW TO achieve this "Raganuga-bhakti"? By following Vaidhi-bhakti ! (because we are still students). In particular, that Vaidhi-bhakti that is targetting Goloka-Vrndavan, called "rag-pravit(?)-vaidhi-bhakti".
There are 3 adhikari's:
  • (3rd-class) kaniṣṭha-adhikārī, who's chanting sometimes, and is very fond of serving KRSNa (but NOT fond of serving the devotees)
  • (2nd class) madhyama-adhikārī, who's chanting 24 hours (so also during his eating, hearing, ...), and is more fond of serving the Vaishnavas/devotees than serving KRSNa... because he knows that “only via KRSNa's devotee, you can get KRSNa”.
  • (1st class) uttama-adhikārī: simply by _seeing_ him, you feel inclined / inspired to chant. He never thinks that he is serving KRSNa, he thinks that all others are serving KRSNa and so asks their blessings because he feels obliged due to their service. He's an acharya, in a "Jeeva Samadhi" state (i.e. absorbed in a different world).
Move up/down:
  • Sometimes, an uttama descends one level down (madhyama), for preaching purposes (as service to KRSNa)
  • Sometimes, a kaniṣṭha rises one level up (madhyama), for same preaching purposes (as service to KRSNa)... but such a person has no concept of "uttama" !
Conclusion: do not run after KRSNa, run after uttama-adhikārī.


AM LECTURE (Siddhanti Maharaj)

IF there is one-pointed devotion/worship to Radha-Krsna
THEN WHY is also worship of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu required ?
"worship just with your mind" is not acknowledged by KRSNa ! You should know the NATURE of the person you (want to) love.
I.e. you must give up the mood of opulence (Lakshmi-Narayana) - which still lacks the proximity/intimacy with the Lord - to obtain the mood of sweetness (Radha-KRSNa).
(Notice that Goloka-Vrndavan is even more opulent than Vaikuntha)
And the combined form of Radha-KRSNa is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
  • Most Sampradaya's worship Radha-KRSNa _without_ Mahaprabhu, resulting in "gopi"-level.
  • the Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya Sampradaya (worshipping Radha-KRSNa plus Mahaprabhu) obtains, on top of the above, also PREMA (not given by any other Sampradaya) !
SAMBANDHA-NUGA (one-sided intimacy):
  • dasya/servant
  • Sahke/friend
  • Vatsalya/parent
KAMA-NUGA (most intimate)
  • x: Queens at Dwaraka
  • Madhurya/gopi's beloved paramour: Gopi's at Vrndavan, split-up as:
  1. SnadeJNa (?): only inclined to KRSNa, not interested in Radha
  2. Samsneha (?): equal affection to Radha & KRSNa (but a little more to Radha) E.g. Lalita, Visakha. True for most Sampradaya's.
  3. Sakhi-Jnaya-Dikha (?): gopi's (i.e. "manjaris") inclined only to Radha. This is the mood given by Mahaprabhu. I.e. the perfection, in Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya Sampradaya, is: to become such a Radha-dasi (servant).
  • literally: "bud, in a creeper". They are 12,5 year old girls, not growing further, not really understanding the event in which they are participating.
  • Role/function: to arrange (i.e. “make it happen”) lila events (like "Radha-KRSNa on a swing"). After their arrangements / preparations, these manjaris move aside. Other/older gopi's bring the couple onto the swing, while the manjaris stay in the background and prepare for the next activity (e.g. food, bed). I.e. they do not rest, without expecting anything in return !
Via their selfless love/service, they get 100 times more pleasure than the other gopi's (even though theare NOT involved in the actual pastime), because they are in one-ness (Tat-Tvam) with Radha-KRSNa: whatever Radharani experiences, the manjaris feel also, at the same moment, without coming closer. So the manjaris get the BENEFIT of actions done by others!
More info ref. page 34 of

PM LECTURE (Siddhanti Maharaj)

Evening song: Gopinath! Mama Nivedana Suno
Go hear any sadhu, specialised in Hari-Katha... to become greedy for reaching the goal.
Variant of earlier QUESTION:
IF we give one-pointed love to Radha-KRSNA and "one-pointed love" to guru, THEN doesn't this divide this "one-pointed love" ??
No, there is no split-up... ref. "Sri Gurvastakam":
  • verse-7: guru is "sākṣād-dharit" (i.e. personified-Hari)
  • Verse-5: guru is totally absorbed in Radha & KRSNa.
As such, guru is the personification of KRSNA, is near & dear to KRSNA. I.e. Guru is
  • not KRSNA as "Supreme Personality of Godhead",
  • but the shelter of our worship: via guru, our worship is automatically transferred (in same proportion) to Radha-KRSNa.
KRSNa’s receiving our worship via his senses (which are spiritual, while our senses are material). In which FORMS does KRSNa manifest/personify, to receive our worship?
  1. Thakur Ji (i.e. deities)
  2. Words / syllables (e.g. MahaMantra) / Holy Names
  3. Srimad Bhagavatam
  4. Sri GuruDev, where we are taking shelter (pada sriya?)
This one-pointed guru - i.e. inclusive of all (diksha & siksha) guru's - is
  • training us (to become realistic)
  • and checking us on how much lamenting/restless we are for chanting ("beg, steal, borrow the holy name")... because "lamenting for (being currently unable to perform) chanting” is also “chanting".
WHEN your "sadhana" (i.e. your "endavours to touch the heart of that pure devotee") causes “viśuddha-sattva" (only present in heart of Maha-Bhagavata) to descend into your heart, THEN the one-ness (Tat-Tvam) is achieved ; and goal is reached.
EXAMPLE from Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta: the life history of Narottama Thakur
  • Chaitanya Mahaprabhu stayed 48 years to distribute prema. While travelling to Bangladesh, he jumped in the Padma river... and that river got excited, and came in person, asking for service. Mahaprabhu's answer: "Give my prema, in future, to Narottama".
  • Around 7 years later, a boy took birth in a rich family, named Nara(human)-Uttama(best). His parents got the prediction that their son would renounce everything while entering a particular river.
  • When he actually jumped (as a boy) in the Padma river, Padma felt same excitement as earlier with Caitanya... so came in person and give him prema. The boy went home, chanting. He dreamt about Caitanya.
  • Later on, he renounced his wealthy life and moved to VRndavan, where he got to know Jiva Goswami (best scholar at that time), who (as his siksa guru) trained him.
  • Later, he was sent to Lokanath Goswami (another scholar) to get formal (diksha-)initiation (because initiation is still required, even though Narottama already got KRSNa-prema). Lokanath Goswami first refused Narottama... who still decided to serve his guru, by cleaning Lokanath Goswami's toilet area in the forest. Only after many days, Lokanath realised somebody kept his toilet area clean, discovered it was Narottama (selfless action, without telling)... so he initiated the boy.
  • Result: Narottama Thakur became even more restless... so got to know about Rupa Goswami (his other siksha guru, with incomparable glories). This move got approved by his previous guru, who wanted his disciple to flourish. Narottama called himself "Sri-Rupa-Manjari" (in his song "Śrī Rūpa Mañjarī-pada"), even though he also mentions Lokanath Goswami (in song "Śrī Guru-caraṇa-padma", verse 4).
  • Still, Narottama is still restless, so now looks for association with (all other) Vaishnava's... because he sees his GuruDev in all other associates (ref. his song "Ĵe Ānilô Prema-dhana"), like e.g. Ramacandra Kaviraja Goswami (ref. his song "Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Prabhu Dayā Karô More").
  • Association with Vaishnava's is important in ANY phase of your life !
  • Do NOT remain satisfied with only _one_ (Vaishnava) association order to nourish more and more your love and affection (to guru, passed on to Radha-KRSNa).
(CC Madhya 22.54)
"sādhu-saṅga", "sādhu-saṅga" sarva-śāstre kaya
lava-mātra sādhu-saṅge sarva-siddhi haya"
“The verdict of all revealed scriptures is that by even a moment’s association with a pure devotee, one can attain all success."


AM LECTURE (Siddhanti Maharaj)

Maturity (in bhakti-yoga) comes from sadhu-sangha, i.e. learn from the good examples, via association with senior/pure devotees (the one benediction to ask from KRSNa).
--> Various KRSNa-tattva's:
  • One mood of KRSNa (in Mahabharata): affection towards devotees. Even though KRSNa had promised NOT to fight, he broke this promise to attack Bhismadeva, who did not want to humiliate KRSNa, but actually PROMOTE KRSNa, by proving to everyone that KRSNa is not just a simple chariot driver, but actually the ISta-Deva, capable of holding weapons, as an ideal KSatrya.
  • Witch Putana (meaning: "ignorance"/"advidya") got killed by KRSNa, as the very first demon. I.e. KRSNa was destroying first of all our ignorance (which is having strength, from many births).
  • Ajamila got protected by 4 Viṣṇudūta's, which were his sadhu-sangha association at the time of his death (4, referring to Na-Ra-Ya-Na) ...while 3 Yamaduta's came to take him away. (3, because Ajamilad had committed sins of body/mind/speech). Moral: Without association, one can get neither bhakti, nor liberation from sins !
  • Vidura (himself an incarnation of Yamaraja, as son of Vyasadeva and sudra maidservant of Ambika), convinced this brother Dhritarashtra (son of Vyasadeva and Ambika) to take reununciation
  • Essence of KRSNa Tattva, as spoken by Brahma:
First Stanza of Sri Brahma-Samhita:
isvarah paramah krsnah
anadir adir govindah
sarva-karana karanam
"Krsna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead.
He has an eternal blissful spiritual body.
He is the origin of all.
He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes."
  • Śrī Upadeśāmṛta, verse 5 (about kaniṣṭha-adhikārī, madhyama-adhikārī and uttama-adhikārī)
  • Three fundamental concepts in Gaudiya Vaishnavism:
  1. Sambandha (relationship, as eternal servant, with Bhagavan)
  2. abhidheya (activities, process like Harer Nama, ...)
  3. prayojana (ultimate goal of life)
Keep your life engaged focused on KRSNa
but don't commit nama-aparadha,
and chant according to verse 3 of "Sri Siksastakam"


WORKSHOP 08-aug-2017: DIETY WORSHIP (Sashi Kala Mishra dd)

ARATI (hoe / waarom / gemoed)
  1. WIEROOK: 3 stokjes (verwijzing naar geest/spraak/lichaam) geofferd aan RadhaKRSNa ;
  2. GHEE: verwijzing naar de VURIGE ogen van de gopi’s (*) (4xvoeten, 2xnavel)
  3. WATER (in kleine schelp ; nadien weggegoten in wegwerp-pot): verwijzing naar oneindige hari-katha (4x boven hoofd, om roet af te wassen) + ZAKDOEKJE (dat je vasthoudt in vlinder-houding)
  4. twee set van bos-BLOEMEN (de ene voor deities, de andere voor guru): verwijzing naar je HART, dat je offert, via guru parampara, aan ThakurJi (deities)
  5. camara (witte waaier): als verkoeling & insekten-werend ; enkel 's zomers gebruikt
  6. pauweveer: verwijzing (via neergaande beweging) naar de rasa-dans ...wat uiteindelijk moet eindigen (want KRSna is ongeduldig) met
  7. 3x blazen op sankh (schelp), op het einde van de dans
  • Reinig je handen NA elke handeling met water uit het acamana-potje.
  • Rinkel het belletje TIJDENS elke handeling: verwijzing naar Radha's enkelbel, tijdens het dansen.
Meer info over GHEE (*):
In geestelijke wereld, wordt ARATI uitgevoerd door gopi's met hun vurige ogen.
De 5 ghee-wieken verwijzen naar elke rasa/gemoed:
  1. (sakhya: als vriend, zoals gopal’s)
  2. santa: als koning (zoals Dwaraka)
  3. dasya: al dienaar (zoals Hanuman)
  4. vatsalya: als ouder (zoals moeder Yasoda, altijd bezorgd, bv. op zoek naar krasjes op KRSNa's huid)
  5. madhurya: als geliefde (zoals de gopis, met hun zoete boosheid, schuine blik, wimpers... waar camara naar verwijst)
...met het verzoek: "neem mijn onwetenheid weg, en verlicht me met transcendentale kennis"
  • ene streep (verwijzing naar Radha)
  • andere streep (verwijzing naar KRSNa)
  • tulsi-blad (verwijzing naar VRndavan)

WORKSHOP 09-aug-2017: OFFEREN VAN VOEDSEL - PRASADAM (Sashi Kala Mishra dd)

Ref. boek "Arcana-dīpikā"
Offerschaal, met beker water (met tulsi(*)-blaadje of -stammetje even in gedoopt, of getikt tegen alle gerechten)
(*) Tulsi-Devi (of Vrnda-Devi) regelt alle context & paraphernalia van Radha-KRSNa.
  • Reinig eerst jezelf met water uit het acamana-potje.
  • Zeg dezelfde mantra's als bij Arati:
  • --Keshavaya Namaha
  • --Narayanaya Namaha
  • --Madhavaya Namaha
  • --3 x "Sri Vishnu"
  • Was de guru, met water in schelpje: voeten (4x), handen (2x), mond (1x) + doekje (om af te drogen) ...en verwelkom de guru om de offering te doen, met jouw assistentie
  • Reciteer mantra startende met "kling" (het geluid van de enkelband van Radha)

WORKSHOP 10-aug-2017: Vaishnava etiquette (Sashi Kala Mishra dd)



BOOKS mentioned in above lectures

  • Arcana-dīpikā -
  • Bhagavad-Gita -
  • Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmi) -
  • Brahma-saṁhitā -
  • Jaiva-Dharma -
  • Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta -
  • Srimad-Bhagavatam -
  • Śrī Śikṣāṣṭaka -
  • Śrī Upadeśāmṛta -





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