Apocalypse Now (redux)

"The horror, the horror" (1)

Het blijft rakere taal dan "De gruwel, de gruwel" uit Josse De Pauw's (of beter: Bas Heijne's) vertaling binnenin "Duister Hart" (2). .
"You have to have men who are moral... and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling... without passion... without judgment... without judgment! Because it's judgment that defeats us." (3)


Ook andere fragmenten van het ApocalypseNow.Redux {1979} script (3) blijven nazinderen ...zoals de profetische woorden bij het Franse diner (5) in een IndoChine landhuis, na de kleine referentie naar Baudelaire (6). Op 02h06:xx (4) HUBERT: [rebuffing Willard's inquiry as to when his family might return home to France] You don't understand our mentality - the French officer mentality. At first, we lose in Second World War. I don't say that you Americans win, but we lose. In Dien Bien Phu, we lose. In Algeria, we lose. In Indochina, we lose! But here, we don't lose! This piece of earth, we keep it. We will never lose it, never! GASTON DE MARAIS: You Americans. In 1945, yeah, after the Japanese war, your president Roosevelt didn't want the French people to stay in Indochina. So, you Americans implant the Vietnam. WILLARD: [to HUBERT] What's he mean? HUBERT: Yeah, that's true. The Vietcong were invented by the Americans, sir. WILLARD: The Americans? GASTON DE MARAIS: And now you take the French place. And the Vietnam fight you. And what can you do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. HUBERT: The Vietnamese are very intelligent. You never know what they think. The Russian ones who help them, "come and give us their money. We are all Communists. Chinese give us guns. We are all brothers."... They hate the Chinese! Maybe they hate the American less than the Russian and the Chinese. I mean, if tomorrow the Vietnamese are Communists they will be *Vietnamese* Communists. And this is something you never understood, you American. GASTON DE MARAIS: I don't know. Maybe in the future we can make something with the Vietnam. PHILIPPE DE MARAIS: Don't you understand? The VC say, "go away, go away". That's finish for all the white people in Indochina. If you're French, American, that's all the same. "Go." They want to forget you. Look, Captain. Look, this is the truth. An egg. [cracks it, draining the egg white] PHILIPPE DE MARAIS: The white left, but the yellow stays. [stomps off] ... en wat later (02h07:45) CHRISTIAN When I was in Saigon, I spoke to an American politician, and he explained it very well. He said, "Look, Yesterday it was Korea, today Vietnam, tomorrow Thailand, the Philippines, then maybe Europe." HUBERT Come on, why not Europe? Look what happened in Czechoslovakia recently. And even before the Second World War, the Americans knew exactly what was going on! They don't want that shit to take over! They are fighting. Fighting for freedom. LAFAVRE Freedom? Bullshit. French bullshit. American bullshit.


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