"Lessons in Spiritual Economics from the Bhagavad-gita: Understanding and Solving the Economic Problem" (Dhanesvara Das)
Some extracts from "Lessons in Spiritual Economics from the Bhagavad-gita: Understanding and Solving the Economic Problem" (Dhanesvara Das) p72 Three possible sources of the inner voice: Intelligence / to discriminate between that which is desirable or undesirable on the basis of one's -long-term interests Mind / to determine what is desirable or undesirable based on sense gratification Soul / its actual desire is to find the ever-fresh source of his satisfaction in his original transcendental state In order to determine "who" is speaking, introspection is required - we must examine the thought according to these criteria. Training to distinguish between the voices of consciousnes is the purpose of the practise of yoga. Does it ask for sense gratification? If so, that is the voice of the mind. Does it encourage one to think about one's long-term welfare? Then that is the voice of intelligence. Of course these voices may conflict with ea...