
Posts uit augustus, 2018 tonen

Yoga and the Dark Night of the Soul: The Soul's Journey to Sacred Love

" Yoga and the Dark Night of the Soul: The Soul's Journey to Sacred Love " (Simon Haas) is presenting the Bhagavad Gita as a book about OVERCOMING THE ADVERSARIES (i.e. demons) WITHIN YOU ! . Some extracts, below. . p.37 We experience a continuous compulsion to define who we are to ourselves and to others. Through Facebook and social media, we now have the technology to refine and polish our image of ourselves. We forget that the lead character in our story is birthed by the mind. The ancient texts of India refer to this fictitious self as ahamkara, which in Sanskrit  means literally, "I-making". Mostly, we live from this illusory, constructed self. We, the storyteller, remain undiscovered. . p.43 The dark night experience itself, the dissolution of our world , has four main symptoms: 1. SUFFERING ASSOCIATED WITH THE THREE PLANES (PHASES OF TIME) : -FEAR is suffering related to how our story will unfold in the future ; -LAMENTATION is sufferi...